0500 Hours + 0600 Time Stop Hours - Releasing the Troll - Fowl Manor, Ireland
When Acting Commander Cudgeon had the brilliant idea to release the troll (see Troll Incident Report) in Fowl Manor, pixies were able to use the blueprints to find a non-structural point to blow a hole in the wall of the manor and send in the enraged beast. The beast then proceeded to almost kill me - FOR THE SECOND TIME!!!
The pixies released the troll into the manor right where Juliet and Butler were located. Butler might be a top notch body guard, but he was no match for a full grown bull troll. That troll slid his razor sharp tusks right into the mountainous Butler, instantly spreading toxins throughout his body. Butler lay helpless and the troll was about to make a tasty snack out of Juliet, but I couldn't let that happen. Even if they had kidnapped me, they didn't deserve to die.
I fought with the troll, but I wasn't as lucky this time. Artemis had dismantled my helmet and I no longer had my spotlight to blind the troll. I went down hard, but right before I blacked out and let my magic start to heal me, I reached out and healed Butler, too. No, I didn't heal him because I'm a human lover, I healed him so he could wake up and save me!
Everything went dark then, I was in so much pain. I woke up after a couple of minutes, though, to find Butler about to kill the troll. Well, I put a stop to that. After all, Butler owes me.